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Category: School Programs

Beyond Academic Skills: Soft Skills, Grit, and Building a Growth Mindset

The high-stakes nature of college entrance exams is, unsurprisingly, a tough moment for many students. This feeling of dread isn’t inevitable—there’s more we as educators can do to make this moment one of triumph, not despair. That means not just preparing our students for the skills assessed on the test, but also preparing them for the emotional challenge of preparing for high-stakes tests.

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Learning About The Data-Driven Instructional Cycle

How can you, as an educator, make the most of each assessment your students complete? The answer is in the data the assessments provide. By carefully analyzing the data, educators can take full advantage of each test event to determine student strengths and areas for improvement, develop targeted re-teaching plans, and drive instruction in the classroom.

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Stay in the know!

Stay in the Know! Yale reinstates SAT/ACT requirements.