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Dear Academic Approach Families:

Spring break is at an end in my household, as my children shift back to remote learning. We’re doing our best to advance and adapt, as are the school districts we work with.

Shifting to Remote Learning
With weeks now of school closures and no clear end in sight, schools are looking at longer-term plans. There’s been wide variation in what districts and schools are providing to students and families, with a large proportion providing access to resources but no direct instruction.

Next Steps for Districts
As districts move into this remote learning, each is taking into consideration the needs of its students and their access to technology. This week, for example, Chicago Public Schools rolled out its Remote Learning Plan, which will begin with instruction following Spring Break on April 13. The district is working to provide devices to more high-need students, adjusting its policies to allow schools to incorporate best-practice tools like Zoom, and delivering packets of enrichment work for families to engage in with their students.

Similar moves were taken last week by the New York Department of Education, distributing devices to students that did not have them and allowing educators to take an approach that best worked for their students. Though the first day was rocky, students adapted quickly and so far, educators seem to be adapting quickly.

What’s Most Important
We’re staying focused on student learning in this time and innovating around key questions:

We’ll be sharing our insights and the insights of our colleagues on these topics in forthcoming letters.

Be well,
Matthew Pietrafetta, Ph.D., Founder & CEO

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