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Dear Academic Approach Families & Colleagues:

After the highly publicized issues with administering AP exams last week, College Board is rolling out a back-up plan for AP submissions this week. In response to the problems with outdated browsers and other uploading errors, the College Board has announced a contingency plan should students experience submission issues and that they will be refunding students that had technical difficulties should they decide not to retest.

Back-up Plan: Email Protocol
Students who experienced issues last week will still need to take a makeup test, but for this week, if students have submission issues, they will be able to email a unique email address. This new protocol will help students testing this week and going forward, should they encounter issues. It seems likely this new option is a direct result of advocacy by students, parents, and educators.

Equity & Access
An important story that has yet to be fully reported relates to access for low-income students. We know from our school partners that primarily low-income students are having access issues far more profound and pervasive than the relatively small percentage of tech issues that are being highly publicized. 

Some partners are indicating far fewer than half of their students that planned to take AP tests are actually taking and submitting them.  This experience will need to be studied, reported, and accounted for in the weeks ahead.

Be well,
Matthew Pietrafetta, Ph.D., Founder & CEO 

SAT/ACT scores now required for Cornell applicants