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Dear Academic Approach Families & Colleagues:

Today, I’d like to share a guest letter from Carla Pedersen, our Regional Director of One-on-One Tutoring:

Since 2001, we have focused on Teaching Beyond the Test: raising our students’ test scores as well as their academic skills. The mission to help students master essential academic skills is more important than ever with continued school closures, the potential for increased learning loss, and the challenge of social isolation.

To support our students in overcoming these challenges, we are offering Study Teams: three-student supplemental learning groups. With a group of three students within the same class, an Academic Approach instructor works to review important prior academic content that may have missed and preview essential advanced content students will need to master. Working in a Study Team helps support successful learning in a specific subject and also provides an additional social opportunity that students are craving right now. Our personalized one-on-one academic support is also of course available.

We’d love to connect with you to share more about how we can support your student academically.

Carla and the Academic Approach Directing Team

Be well,
Matthew Pietrafetta, Ph.D., Founder & CEO

SAT/ACT scores now required for Cornell applicants